Tuesday, May 10, 2016

May Newsletter

Dates to Remember:
  • May- Mosl exam, sometime in the next week or so
  • May 12: Evening Parent Engagement (No individual conferences at this time- Mainly speaking about expectations for 4th grade)
  • May 19: International Night- Please consider coming to support our school in this wonderful event.  I will be attending.  Hope to see you there!
  • May 20: Career Day
  • May 26: Awards Night 
  • May 30: Memorial Day- School closed!
  •  May 26- Audubon

    Number of chaperones: Riya, Andrew B., Kagan, Jack
    Fee: Free
    Parents please meet at 9:15.
  • May 31- New York Botanical Garden
         Number of chaperons: 4- Liam, Preston, Ashfi and Brianna  (Please let me know if you are unable to                attend, that way I can find a new chaperon)
         Fee: $5.00
         Parents please meet at 9:15.
  • June 1- Mets Game at Citi Field  
- If you do not want your child attending the trip, that is completely fine.  Please let me know.  I already am aware of a few children not attending.
- Just note, if your child does not attend, they will be placed in another classroom for the day and assigned work to complete from me.  However your child normally goes home, that is how they will do so on this day.
- If you have any other questions regarding the trip, please let me know.
 Number of chaperons: the more the better... so far we have ( Prajusha, Olivia, Riya, Chiara, Ashfi, Farhin, Olam, Alemu, Preston, Brianna, Alex, Andrew Smith, Kagan, Nicole, and Audrey---- all these parents are paid for as well.)

What We Are Learning- Including Goals May/June:

  • Having collaborative conversations by using text evidence to support ideas.
  • Using context clues to figure out new vocabulary.
  • Using graphic organizers to sort, classify, and organize information.
  • Analyze character relationships and setting by focusing on character actions, thoughts and feelings.
  • Interpret the theme by using details from the text.

  • Finishing baby literary essays by stating your claim.
  • Working on writing Opinion essays- practice for the MOSL exam
  • Improving mechanics (spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and grammar)
  • Continuing to work on 3rd grade grammar.

  • Review of 3rd grade material and getting ready for 4th grade
  • Collaborative in-class projects
  • Finishing up Simple Machines
  • Beginning Plant and Animal Adaptations
Social Studies:
  • Studying Europe
  • South America