Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Social Studies- Country Research Report due 1-15-16

Attached are the directions, rubric (guidelines) and template to help you with this project.

The children will be getting a copy of this tomorrow to take home as well.

Project Due Friday 1/15/16


In Social Studies we are studying communities around the world.  For this project, you will choose a country, from the list below, to research and create a travel brochure.  Attached is a template that you will use to record your research and then create your own travel brochure.

Any Community in…
Africa, Asia, South America, The Caribbean, Middle East, Europe, Southeast Asia, Oceania or Australia
Follow these directions:
  1. Choose a country to research and circle it in the above list.
  2. Read each element of the template carefully.
  3. Go to the library and borrow a book and/or find information off the internet from a reliable source. These resources will be recorded in your brochure.
  4. As you research, take notes in your Social Studies notebook.
  5. After looking over your notes and making sure you have all the required information, record it on the template.
  6. The template is a graphic organizer for you to gather your information.
  7. You will then create your own travel brochure on a large construction paper, folded with all the appropriate parts from the graphic organizer.  Use your creativity and create it the way you’d like.
  8. You will also create a postcard, imagining that you’d been to this specific place, and you are telling the reader about your experience.
  9. You may decorate the brochure with magazine cut-outs or printed pictures of things that are related to your researched country. (examples: food, people, clothing, instruments, etc.)
  10. Look over your travel brochure and make sure everything is complete, accurate, and written in your own words.  Make it presentable so that someone would want to travel to your community! Make sure you share your experience on your postcard!
  11. Attach the rubric to your report.

Steps to Success:

Ø  Follow the directions carefully.
Ø  Use the rubric to guide you.
Ø  Ask an adult to help you.
Ø  Double-check your work.

Ø  Hand in your project on time. 


Accuracy and Completeness
of Elements

*Each element will receive full value if it is complete, accurate and written in your own words.

70 points
ELEMENTS                                           POINT Value       Points Earned
Name of Country/Region                                            2              ________
Flag (Colored)                                                                    2              ________
Very Important Citizen                                                  5              ________
Location on World Map                                                 2              ________
Illustration or photo of Map                                        5              ________
“Just The Facts” (Each bullet 2 points)                 15              ________
Animal Trading Card                                                        5              ________
Spectacular Sport                                                             4              ________
Fabulous Food                                                                  5              ________
Final Fact (something not already included )        5              ________
Super Resources                                                              5              ________
Post Card                                                                             15           ________


10 points
Very Neat

10 points

8 points

6 points
Not legible

2 points


10 points
Age appropriate spelling

10 points
Two mistakes on sight words

8 points
Several sight words misspelled

Unacceptable control of spelling



10 points
0-1 grammar errors

10 points
2-3 grammatical errors.

8 points
4-5 grammatical errors.

6  points
6 or more grammatical errors.

2  points

5 points
5 points
- 1 point per day





Travel Brochure and Postcard is extraordinary and creative.                                       10 points________

Extra credit +_______

TOTAL POINTS EARNED FOR THE WHOLE PROJECT-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->

100-115 = 4 Outstanding!       75-99 =3 Good job!     60-74=2 Needs Work             BELOW 60=1 Far Below Expectations               Your Grade:_________
Name of Country/Region

Flag (colored)

Very Important Citizen
Location on World Map

Illustration or photo of Map
“Just The Facts”
Animal Trading Card

Spectacular Sport
Fabulous Food
Final Fact


Super Resources
Post Card