Thursday, January 28, 2016

** New Due DateAfrican American History Month Project
Attached are the same papers I gave the children yesterday.

African-American Research Report

Project Due Tuesday 2/9/16


February is Black History Month.  You will research a famous African-American. 

Follow these directions:
  1. Choose an African-American to research and complete category 1 on your note-taking graphic organizer.
  2. Go to the library and borrow a book and/or find information off the internet from a reliable source. These resources will be recorded on your note-taking sheet.
  3. As you research, use the note-taking sheet to take notes for each of the remaining categories.
  4. After looking over your notes and making sure you have all the required information, use the essay planner to plan and organize your essay.
  5. Type or neatly handwrite the essay.
  6. Attach it to the inside part of the cover (as shown in sample pictures------------------à
  7. Make the cover. (See example pictures on the side.)
    1. Find a picture of the person’s head (about the size of your hand). Copy and paste it to a word document—as shown in class—and size it to half the page.
    2. Print out the picture.
    3. Paste it at the top to look like the head on a body.
    4. Use colored pencils, crayons, colored construction paper, and other art materials to creatively construct the cover.  Make a jacket, shirt, etc. to create the top part of the “body”.
    5. Find 6 pictures that show important events in this person’s life.
    6. Paste the pictures on the inside flaps and write a caption.
    7. Create a timeline of the person’s life, including 5 major events that occurred in their life based on importance.
    8. Go over each part and make sure it is complete.
  8. Attach the rubric to your report.

Steps to Success:
Ø  Follow the directions carefully.
Ø  Use the rubric to guide you.
Ø  Ask an adult to help you.
Ø  Double-check your work and make sure your rubric is attached!
Ø  Hand in your project on time… due date Thursday 2/4/16.
E.Q.  How can you use your notes AND a plan to write a well-organized report?

You will use your notes to write a well-organized essay about the famous African-American you researched.  You will use the planner below to help you write the essay.
* Follow the ESSAY FORMULA: An essay is written in a special format that includes the introduction, body, and conclusion.  Your essay will have a total of 8 paragraphs. 
*Follow the PARAGRAPH FORMULA: Every paragraph begins with a topic sentence, 3 or more supporting sentences, and a closing sentence.
Use this planner to help you write the essay. Follow the ESSAY FORMULA
Paragraph 1: Introduction
Use category 1 from your notes, to write an introduction.  Begin the paragraph with a famous quote (category #1) for a catchy beginning. A transition you could use at the end of the introduction to lead into the body is:
I learned about the accomplishments, family life, childhood, education, character traits, and other interesting facts about ________________________. (person’s name)
Paragraphs 2-7: BODY The body of the essay is the “meat” of the essay. 
Use categories 2-7 from your notes to write the body of the essay.  You will use the category number from your notes to separate into paragraphs.  For example, category 2 is about ACCOMPLISHMENTS and CONTRIBUTIONS.  Therefore, this paragraph will only be about that specific topic. 
You may want to start off paragraph 2 by saying…
      One notable accomplishment (or contribution) of _____________________________ is that he/she … (write one accomplishment. ) Another accomplishment is______________________
Conclude (end) that paragraph by saying… These are just a few of his/her contributions or accomplishments.
Begin paragraph 3 by indenting and introducing the next topic, which is FAMILY LIFE.
      ______________________ grew up in a family of _______________ (how many children did his/her parents have?) .  He/she had __________ sisters and ___________ brothers.  Their names are __________________They were close/not close.  They enjoyed doing___________________.  He/she got married to ___________________  on _______________(date) * and later had _ (number) of children.  Their names are ____________________________ If this person didn’t get married or have children, write “______________ never married or _________ had no children.”
*Continue writing the body (paragraphs 4-7) by starting a new paragraph for each of the remaining categories using the same paragraph formula as the modeled ones above.
Paragraph 8 CONCLUSION… Choose a lead for the conclusion: 
In conclusion        To sum it up              Overall                        In summary               In summation            

In the conclusion, you will sum it up and write a final thought about this person.  It could include a lesson you learned or something you feel strongly about after learning about that person.

Name:____________________________ Class:____________
Black History Month Biography Report Notes
Category 1. I am learning more about ________________________________
Date of Birth: ____________Date of Death: _______ or Still Living: ____(check off)
Birthplace: _______________________________________
 Famous Quote: What is something he/she is famous for saying? “__________________________________________________________________
__________________________________________________________________”Category 2.Accomplishments/Contributions: What did this person do that was special and made him/her famous? What did he/she do to make a difference? Be specific.
Category 3.Family Facts: What facts can you find about his/her mother and father? Did this person have brothers and sisters (how many?)? When he/she became an adult did he/she marry and have children?
Category 4.Childhood: What was this person’s life like when he/she was growing up? Was life difficult?  Obstacles: Was life always easy for this person? Was there anything he/she had to overcome, such as slavery, poverty (being poor), discrimination, etc.? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Category 5.Education: Did this person go to school? For how long did he/she go, and what did he/she study? Was there anything interesting or unusual about his/her education?
Category 6.Character Traits: What character traits did this person have that helped him/her  out in life? How did those traits help him/her achieve fame?
Category 7.Other Interesting Facts
Resources I Used

Name:___________________________________________________  INFORMATIONAL WRITING: BIOGRAPHY                                     

4 (Above Grade Level)
3 (At Grade Level)
2 (Approaching Grade Level)
1 (Below Grade Level)
**Important events in the person’s life
RIT – 1
W – 2
 Responds skillfully to all parts of the prompt
 Demonstrates a strong understanding of topic/text(s)

 Responds to all parts of the prompt
 Demonstrates an understanding
of topic/text(s)

 Responds to most parts of the prompt
 Demonstrates limited
understanding of topic/text(s)

 Responds to some or no parts of the prompt
 Demonstrates little to no
understanding of topic/text(s)


W – 2a
W – 2c
W – 2e
W – 4
Organizes ideas and information into purposeful, coherent paragraphs that include an elaborated introduction with clear thesis, structured body, and insightful conclusion
 Logically groups related information into paragraphs or sections, including formatting
 Uses linking words, phrases, and clauses skillfully to connect ideas within categories of information

Organizes ideas and information into logical introductory, body, and concluding paragraphs
Groups related information into
paragraphs or sections, including formatting (e.g.,headings)
Uses linking words and phrases appropriately to connect ideas within categories of information
Organizes ideas and information in an attempted paragraph structure that includes a sense of introduction, body and conclusion
Grouping of ideas lacks cohesion (e.g., list-like, rambling, or repetitive)
Attempts to use some simplistic
linking words to connect ideas
 Does not organize ideas and
information coherently due to lack of paragraph structure and/or a missing introduction, body, or conclusion
 Does not group related
information together
 Uses no linking words
Includes evidence from the text.

RIT – 1
W – 2b
W – 8
W – 9b

 Skillfully uses relevant and substantial text support from the resources with accuracy
Develops the topic with well integrated facts, definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other information and examples

Uses relevant and sufficient text support from the resources with accuracy
Develops the topic with facts,
definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other information and examples

Uses mostly relevant text support, but may lack sufficient evidence and/or accurate use
Develops the topic with limited facts, definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other information and examples.

 Does not use relevant or sufficient text support from the resources with accuracy
 Does not support opinion with facts, details, and/or reasons

L – 1
L – 2
W – 2d

 Uses purposeful and varied sentence structures
 Demonstrates creativity and flexibility when using conventions (grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and spelling) enhance readability
 Utilizes precise and domain-specific vocabulary accurately throughout student
 Uses correct and varied
sentence structures
 Demonstrates grade level
appropriate conventions; errors
are minor and do not interfere
with the readability
 Utilizes precise language and
domain-specific vocabulary
Uses some repetitive yet correct
sentence structure
 Demonstrates some grade level
appropriate conventions, but errors may interfere with the readability
Utilizes some precise language
and/or domain-specific vocabulary, but minimally and/or inaccurately
 Does not demonstrate
sentence mastery
 Demonstrates limited
understanding of grade level conventions, and errors interfere with the readability
 Does not utilize precise language or domain-specific vocabulary
Cover is skillfully, neatly and creatively constructed.
Includes all required parts as indicated in directions.
Cover is neatly constructed and includes most required parts.
Cover is not neatly constructed and is missing some parts.
Cover is not neatly constructed and is missing most parts.
The timeline includes 5 major events that are important and interesting.  The events are placed in proper order and a complete date has been included.
Most of the included events are important or interesting, one or two events may be missing.  Almost all events are placed in proper order and complete dates are included for almost every event.
Some major events are missing.  Most of the events are placed in proper order and an accurate date has been included for almost every event.
Many major events are missing.  Most events are incorrectly placed on the timeline and dates are inaccurate or missing for several events.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Vocabulary List 14

Due to my absence today, the children did not receive the new vocabulary list.  Here it is.  I will also be giving the children a copy tomorrow. The children will have an extra day to complete their vocabulary homework.

1. admirable
 (adj.) deserving praise
The murals they painted on the wall are admirable.
Synonym: superior
Antonym: mediocre
2. automatic
(adj.) done without thought or will; done by a machine, not by a human
Blinking is an automatic response.
Synonym: involuntary
Antonym: deliberate
3. devotion
(n.) loyalty and affection
They showed their devotion to their religious faith by attending services on a regular basis.
Synonym: dedication
Antonym: disloyalty
(adj.) far away; not friendly
The distant cabin was difficult to get to.
Synonym: remote
Antonym: adjacent
5. dreary
(adj.) gloomy or dismal; without cheer, comfort, or enthusiasm
The rain did not stop at all during the dreary afternoon.
Synonym: depressing
Antonym: vibrant
6. exhaust
(v.) to use up; to wear out
Don’t exhaust yourself shopping at the mall.
(n.) the escape of gas from an engine
The exhaust from the bus made me choke.
Synonym: (v.) fatigue
Antonym: (v.) refresh
7. kindle
(v.) to get a fire going; to stir up or to start something
We tried to kindle a campfire.
Synonym: ignite
Antonym: smother
8. predict
(v.) to guess what is going to happen
No one can predict the future.
Synonym: anticipate

9. separation

(n.) the act or condition of being apart
They met again after a separation of ten years.
Synonym: detachment
Antonym: unification
10. stunt
(v.) to stop or slow down the growth of
The scientist worked to stunt the growth of the weed.
(n.) an act that shows great strength, bravery, or skill, often to get attention
Harry Houdini, the great magician and escape artist, was known to perform a daring escape stunt.
Synonym: (v.) restrain; (n.) feat
Antonym: promote

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Homework for this weekend

Good morning!

Hope everyone is staying warm and safe out there in this Blizzard of 2016. I'm sure the kids are getting super stoked to get out there and play in the snow. 

As for the homework for math- review test for chapter 8 and grammar worksheets... They were given these during their prep and the teacher must've forgotten to give them out. No worries though. 
The math chapter review test for chapter 8 Can be found on think central. Just like if your child were to forget their homework for the chapter, they can access it on there, think central.
As for the grammar sheets, there is no way for me to send you those. So I will give those to the children on Monday. 

Enjoy your weekend! 

Ms. Sullivan 

Monday, January 11, 2016

January Trips

Thursday, January 14, 10:30 am - 12:30PM
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Guided Tour - Communities around the world
Chaperones: Gibson, Joy, Lauryn and Kagan
Chaperones please arrive by 9:15am.
Since, there's no place to eat at the Met, it would be great if you could pack a snack for your child in case they are hungry before getting back to school. 

Tuesday, January 19, 10:30 - 12:00PM
Young Chefs Academy of Forest Hills
Students will be working with yeast to make breadsticks and focusing on fractions and measurements.
Chaperones: Andrew B., Liam, Kacey, Joy, Rossitsa, and Juan
Chaperones please arrive by 9:30 am.
Permission slips should be returned by Jan 18th. Admission fee is $12 (You can make a check out to Young Chefs Academy of Forest Hills if that is easier)

** I'm sorry for the delay in posting the chaperones, but I still have yet to receive money and a permission slip from 7 children.  If I do not receive this by tomorrow morning, they will not be able to attend the trip.
The following children did not give me money or permission slips:

Audrey paid but did not hand in her permission slip.
And I received an envelope with $12.  There was no name on the envelope and no permission slip attached.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Social Studies- Country Research Report due 1-15-16

Attached are the directions, rubric (guidelines) and template to help you with this project.

The children will be getting a copy of this tomorrow to take home as well.

Project Due Friday 1/15/16


In Social Studies we are studying communities around the world.  For this project, you will choose a country, from the list below, to research and create a travel brochure.  Attached is a template that you will use to record your research and then create your own travel brochure.

Any Community in…
Africa, Asia, South America, The Caribbean, Middle East, Europe, Southeast Asia, Oceania or Australia
Follow these directions:
  1. Choose a country to research and circle it in the above list.
  2. Read each element of the template carefully.
  3. Go to the library and borrow a book and/or find information off the internet from a reliable source. These resources will be recorded in your brochure.
  4. As you research, take notes in your Social Studies notebook.
  5. After looking over your notes and making sure you have all the required information, record it on the template.
  6. The template is a graphic organizer for you to gather your information.
  7. You will then create your own travel brochure on a large construction paper, folded with all the appropriate parts from the graphic organizer.  Use your creativity and create it the way you’d like.
  8. You will also create a postcard, imagining that you’d been to this specific place, and you are telling the reader about your experience.
  9. You may decorate the brochure with magazine cut-outs or printed pictures of things that are related to your researched country. (examples: food, people, clothing, instruments, etc.)
  10. Look over your travel brochure and make sure everything is complete, accurate, and written in your own words.  Make it presentable so that someone would want to travel to your community! Make sure you share your experience on your postcard!
  11. Attach the rubric to your report.

Steps to Success:

Ø  Follow the directions carefully.
Ø  Use the rubric to guide you.
Ø  Ask an adult to help you.
Ø  Double-check your work.

Ø  Hand in your project on time. 


Accuracy and Completeness
of Elements

*Each element will receive full value if it is complete, accurate and written in your own words.

70 points
ELEMENTS                                           POINT Value       Points Earned
Name of Country/Region                                            2              ________
Flag (Colored)                                                                    2              ________
Very Important Citizen                                                  5              ________
Location on World Map                                                 2              ________
Illustration or photo of Map                                        5              ________
“Just The Facts” (Each bullet 2 points)                 15              ________
Animal Trading Card                                                        5              ________
Spectacular Sport                                                             4              ________
Fabulous Food                                                                  5              ________
Final Fact (something not already included )        5              ________
Super Resources                                                              5              ________
Post Card                                                                             15           ________


10 points
Very Neat

10 points

8 points

6 points
Not legible

2 points


10 points
Age appropriate spelling

10 points
Two mistakes on sight words

8 points
Several sight words misspelled

Unacceptable control of spelling



10 points
0-1 grammar errors

10 points
2-3 grammatical errors.

8 points
4-5 grammatical errors.

6  points
6 or more grammatical errors.

2  points

5 points
5 points
- 1 point per day





Travel Brochure and Postcard is extraordinary and creative.                                       10 points________

Extra credit +_______

TOTAL POINTS EARNED FOR THE WHOLE PROJECT-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->

100-115 = 4 Outstanding!       75-99 =3 Good job!     60-74=2 Needs Work             BELOW 60=1 Far Below Expectations               Your Grade:_________
Name of Country/Region

Flag (colored)

Very Important Citizen
Location on World Map

Illustration or photo of Map
“Just The Facts”
Animal Trading Card

Spectacular Sport
Fabulous Food
Final Fact


Super Resources
Post Card