Monday, May 16, 2016

Simple Machine in Structures

Dear Class 3-203 Families,

Starting on May 17 (tomorrow), our class will be participating in an architecture program called "Simple Machine in Structures" from Kidspire.

Simple Machine in Structures

In "Simple Machine in Structures", each student will construct an architectural structure that has a simple but appropriately integrated working simple machine.  Students will plan and design an observation tower and construct a working elevator.  This Common Core integrated program will enrich students' study of simple machines, force, gravity, and geometry.  They will apply problem solving skills involving measurement and 3d model construction.  Students will explore ways of creating form within a set of parameters, and develop spatial and motor skills.

This program will have six sessions with a culminating event at the last session which is scheduled on June 6, 2016.  The fee per student is $20.00.
*** Please make checks payable to: Kidspire LLC or you can send in cash.  Please send your money in ASAP.  

Thank you

P.S.- As of today, I have only received money from 10 families.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

May Newsletter

Dates to Remember:
  • May- Mosl exam, sometime in the next week or so
  • May 12: Evening Parent Engagement (No individual conferences at this time- Mainly speaking about expectations for 4th grade)
  • May 19: International Night- Please consider coming to support our school in this wonderful event.  I will be attending.  Hope to see you there!
  • May 20: Career Day
  • May 26: Awards Night 
  • May 30: Memorial Day- School closed!
  •  May 26- Audubon

    Number of chaperones: Riya, Andrew B., Kagan, Jack
    Fee: Free
    Parents please meet at 9:15.
  • May 31- New York Botanical Garden
         Number of chaperons: 4- Liam, Preston, Ashfi and Brianna  (Please let me know if you are unable to                attend, that way I can find a new chaperon)
         Fee: $5.00
         Parents please meet at 9:15.
  • June 1- Mets Game at Citi Field  
- If you do not want your child attending the trip, that is completely fine.  Please let me know.  I already am aware of a few children not attending.
- Just note, if your child does not attend, they will be placed in another classroom for the day and assigned work to complete from me.  However your child normally goes home, that is how they will do so on this day.
- If you have any other questions regarding the trip, please let me know.
 Number of chaperons: the more the better... so far we have ( Prajusha, Olivia, Riya, Chiara, Ashfi, Farhin, Olam, Alemu, Preston, Brianna, Alex, Andrew Smith, Kagan, Nicole, and Audrey---- all these parents are paid for as well.)

What We Are Learning- Including Goals May/June:

  • Having collaborative conversations by using text evidence to support ideas.
  • Using context clues to figure out new vocabulary.
  • Using graphic organizers to sort, classify, and organize information.
  • Analyze character relationships and setting by focusing on character actions, thoughts and feelings.
  • Interpret the theme by using details from the text.

  • Finishing baby literary essays by stating your claim.
  • Working on writing Opinion essays- practice for the MOSL exam
  • Improving mechanics (spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and grammar)
  • Continuing to work on 3rd grade grammar.

  • Review of 3rd grade material and getting ready for 4th grade
  • Collaborative in-class projects
  • Finishing up Simple Machines
  • Beginning Plant and Animal Adaptations
Social Studies:
  • Studying Europe
  • South America

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Spring Break Homework

I hope everyone has a wonderful spring break!!

Homework is as follows (optional):

1. Reading Log
2. i-ready- Math and ELA lessons
3. Science- Please try your best to work on the machine brains mini project however, we will finish working on them in class when we get back.
- Here is a link to somemore information about the machine brain... 
4. ELA- Please write a baby literary essay that consists of at least 5 paragraphs based on a book that you are currently reading.  Use text evidence to support each idea in your body paragraphs.

Ms. Sullivan

Monday, April 18, 2016

Noetic Learning Contest

I know that this is last minute, but please sign and return the permission slip as soon as possible.  The test date will be this Wednesday and scores need to be submitted by Thursday.  

Attached is information about the test and the website.  Also, attached is the permission slip which I will be sending home with the children tomorrow. 

Dear Parent or Guardian:
We are pleased to tell you that your child has been selected to participate in the Noetic Learning Math Contest (NLMC). NLMC is a national math contest given by Noetic Learning.  The purpose of the contest is to inspire young student interest in math and convey the message ‘It is COOL to be good at math!’ to students.  
The NLMC contest will take place on April 20, 2016. Students will be given 45 minutes to solve 20 math problems. The top 10% of students will be rewarded and the top 50% of students will be recognized on Noetic Learning’s web site.
Visit the web site ( for additional information about the Noetic Learning Math Contest and for sample contest problems.
We are excited that our school will be participating in the Noetic Learning Math Contest, and we are pleased that your child has been selected. We know that P.S. 85's students will help us to show what P.S. 85 students know and can do!
The participation is voluntary. And we do need your permission to release your student’s name to Noetic Learning.  Attached is a permission slip. Please return it by April 20, 2016.
Ms. Sullivan

NLMC Team Leader

Noetic Learning Math Contest
Name Release Permission

Student Name_________________________________

Teacher Name____________Ms. Sullivan_____________________

Noetic Learning will recognize the contest winners by publishing the top 10% of students (name, score, school and state ) and the top 50% of students (name, school and state)  on its web site: It is a great honor for your child to be recognized in a national math contest. However, we understand if you don’t wish your child’s name to be displayed. In that case, your teacher will assign a code name to your child, such as, ‘student 04’, and enter him/her as ‘student 04’ in the contest.
___ I grant permission to publish my child’s name on Noetic Learning’s web site.
___ I don’t grant permission to publish my child’s name on Noetic Learning’s web site.   

Parent Name _________________________________
Parent Signature _________________________________

Date _________________________________

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

April Newsletter

Hello 3-203,

I am trying something new... Here it goes!

Dates to Remember:
  • April 5-7: NYS ELA Exam
  • April 13- 15: NYS Math Exam
  • April 20: Awards Night (Students will be posted soon)
  • April 22: Earth Day!
  • April 25- 29: Spring Recess- School is closed
  •  April 21 at 11:00 AM. Class trip to Cooper Hewitt
    Process Lab: Designing a Story Workshop
    Number of chaperones: Kayla (Dad), Rafa (Dad), and Kagan
    Fee: Complimentary, with generous support from Target
    Parents please meet at 9:15.
* Due date for permission slips are due tomorrow, April 14!!!  I am still missing 10 as of today.
Thank you.

What We Are Learning- Including Goals:

  • Having collaborative conversations by using text evidence to support ideas.
  • Using context clues to figure out new vocabulary.
  • Using graphic organizers to sort, classify, and organize information.
  • Analyze character relationships and setting by focusing on character actions, thoughts and feelings.
  • Interpret the theme by using details from the text.

  • Writing baby literary essays by stating your claim.
  • Improving mechanics (spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and grammar)
  • Continuing to work on 3rd grade grammar.
After we are finished with the baby literary essays, we will be working on Opinion Writing.


  • Geometry and 3 dimensional shapes

  • Finishing up Energy
  • Beginning Simple Machines
  • Also working on our class science fair project
Social Studies:

  • Finishing up Asia
  • Beginning Europe

Friday, March 11, 2016

Testing Workshop

Please join us for a workshop on…
When:  Tuesday, March 15, 2016 during  Parent Engagement  2:35-3:10pm
Where: Room 203

Who:  Parents/Guardians of Grade 3 students

Upcoming Trips for March and April

Monday, March 21, 9:30 am - 1:00PM
NY Historical Society
History  of Technology
Chaperones: Please let me know by email or note if you would like to be a chaperon for this trip...  We are allowed up to 4. I've only heard from one parent so far, Joy's mom, that would like to chaperon.  I need at least 1 more to be able to attend the trip.  
Chaperones please arrive by 9:15am.

Thursday, April 21, 9:30 am - 1:00PM
Cooper Hewitt

Chaperones please arrive by 9:15am.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Audubon Program

Beginning this Friday, February 26, our class along with the other 3rd grade classes, will be participating in an Audubon program.  The dates for the program are as follows:
- February 26
- March 4 and 11
- June 17 and 24

There will also be a class trip on Thursday, May 26th to go along with this curriculum.

Permission slips will be handed out in early May.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Science Packet

Page 3 of the packet, you need the Heat and Light Energy book to complete this.

Please ignore that page until we receive those books.  They have been ordered.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Hope you are enjoying the break!

Ms. Sullivan

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Informational Book Publishing Party!!!

It is about that time where the children have been working so diligently and for weeks on their amazing informational books.

Class 3-203 would like to cordially invite you to come in to celebrate their work!!

Please join us on Thursday, February 25 @ 1:15 p.m.

Hope you can make it!!

Ms. Sullivan

Lunar New Year / Valentine's Day Celebration!!

Just wanted to post this as a reminder!

We will be celebrating Lunar New Year and Valentine's Day this Thursday 2/11 @ 12:45 p.m.  I know the parents have already notified the class.  

Please have your children wear RED!!!!


Ms. Sullivan

Thursday, January 28, 2016

** New Due DateAfrican American History Month Project
Attached are the same papers I gave the children yesterday.

African-American Research Report

Project Due Tuesday 2/9/16


February is Black History Month.  You will research a famous African-American. 

Follow these directions:
  1. Choose an African-American to research and complete category 1 on your note-taking graphic organizer.
  2. Go to the library and borrow a book and/or find information off the internet from a reliable source. These resources will be recorded on your note-taking sheet.
  3. As you research, use the note-taking sheet to take notes for each of the remaining categories.
  4. After looking over your notes and making sure you have all the required information, use the essay planner to plan and organize your essay.
  5. Type or neatly handwrite the essay.
  6. Attach it to the inside part of the cover (as shown in sample pictures------------------à
  7. Make the cover. (See example pictures on the side.)
    1. Find a picture of the person’s head (about the size of your hand). Copy and paste it to a word document—as shown in class—and size it to half the page.
    2. Print out the picture.
    3. Paste it at the top to look like the head on a body.
    4. Use colored pencils, crayons, colored construction paper, and other art materials to creatively construct the cover.  Make a jacket, shirt, etc. to create the top part of the “body”.
    5. Find 6 pictures that show important events in this person’s life.
    6. Paste the pictures on the inside flaps and write a caption.
    7. Create a timeline of the person’s life, including 5 major events that occurred in their life based on importance.
    8. Go over each part and make sure it is complete.
  8. Attach the rubric to your report.

Steps to Success:
Ø  Follow the directions carefully.
Ø  Use the rubric to guide you.
Ø  Ask an adult to help you.
Ø  Double-check your work and make sure your rubric is attached!
Ø  Hand in your project on time… due date Thursday 2/4/16.
E.Q.  How can you use your notes AND a plan to write a well-organized report?

You will use your notes to write a well-organized essay about the famous African-American you researched.  You will use the planner below to help you write the essay.
* Follow the ESSAY FORMULA: An essay is written in a special format that includes the introduction, body, and conclusion.  Your essay will have a total of 8 paragraphs. 
*Follow the PARAGRAPH FORMULA: Every paragraph begins with a topic sentence, 3 or more supporting sentences, and a closing sentence.
Use this planner to help you write the essay. Follow the ESSAY FORMULA
Paragraph 1: Introduction
Use category 1 from your notes, to write an introduction.  Begin the paragraph with a famous quote (category #1) for a catchy beginning. A transition you could use at the end of the introduction to lead into the body is:
I learned about the accomplishments, family life, childhood, education, character traits, and other interesting facts about ________________________. (person’s name)
Paragraphs 2-7: BODY The body of the essay is the “meat” of the essay. 
Use categories 2-7 from your notes to write the body of the essay.  You will use the category number from your notes to separate into paragraphs.  For example, category 2 is about ACCOMPLISHMENTS and CONTRIBUTIONS.  Therefore, this paragraph will only be about that specific topic. 
You may want to start off paragraph 2 by saying…
      One notable accomplishment (or contribution) of _____________________________ is that he/she … (write one accomplishment. ) Another accomplishment is______________________
Conclude (end) that paragraph by saying… These are just a few of his/her contributions or accomplishments.
Begin paragraph 3 by indenting and introducing the next topic, which is FAMILY LIFE.
      ______________________ grew up in a family of _______________ (how many children did his/her parents have?) .  He/she had __________ sisters and ___________ brothers.  Their names are __________________They were close/not close.  They enjoyed doing___________________.  He/she got married to ___________________  on _______________(date) * and later had _ (number) of children.  Their names are ____________________________ If this person didn’t get married or have children, write “______________ never married or _________ had no children.”
*Continue writing the body (paragraphs 4-7) by starting a new paragraph for each of the remaining categories using the same paragraph formula as the modeled ones above.
Paragraph 8 CONCLUSION… Choose a lead for the conclusion: 
In conclusion        To sum it up              Overall                        In summary               In summation            

In the conclusion, you will sum it up and write a final thought about this person.  It could include a lesson you learned or something you feel strongly about after learning about that person.

Name:____________________________ Class:____________
Black History Month Biography Report Notes
Category 1. I am learning more about ________________________________
Date of Birth: ____________Date of Death: _______ or Still Living: ____(check off)
Birthplace: _______________________________________
 Famous Quote: What is something he/she is famous for saying? “__________________________________________________________________
__________________________________________________________________”Category 2.Accomplishments/Contributions: What did this person do that was special and made him/her famous? What did he/she do to make a difference? Be specific.
Category 3.Family Facts: What facts can you find about his/her mother and father? Did this person have brothers and sisters (how many?)? When he/she became an adult did he/she marry and have children?
Category 4.Childhood: What was this person’s life like when he/she was growing up? Was life difficult?  Obstacles: Was life always easy for this person? Was there anything he/she had to overcome, such as slavery, poverty (being poor), discrimination, etc.? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Category 5.Education: Did this person go to school? For how long did he/she go, and what did he/she study? Was there anything interesting or unusual about his/her education?
Category 6.Character Traits: What character traits did this person have that helped him/her  out in life? How did those traits help him/her achieve fame?
Category 7.Other Interesting Facts
Resources I Used

Name:___________________________________________________  INFORMATIONAL WRITING: BIOGRAPHY                                     

4 (Above Grade Level)
3 (At Grade Level)
2 (Approaching Grade Level)
1 (Below Grade Level)
**Important events in the person’s life
RIT – 1
W – 2
 Responds skillfully to all parts of the prompt
 Demonstrates a strong understanding of topic/text(s)

 Responds to all parts of the prompt
 Demonstrates an understanding
of topic/text(s)

 Responds to most parts of the prompt
 Demonstrates limited
understanding of topic/text(s)

 Responds to some or no parts of the prompt
 Demonstrates little to no
understanding of topic/text(s)


W – 2a
W – 2c
W – 2e
W – 4
Organizes ideas and information into purposeful, coherent paragraphs that include an elaborated introduction with clear thesis, structured body, and insightful conclusion
 Logically groups related information into paragraphs or sections, including formatting
 Uses linking words, phrases, and clauses skillfully to connect ideas within categories of information

Organizes ideas and information into logical introductory, body, and concluding paragraphs
Groups related information into
paragraphs or sections, including formatting (e.g.,headings)
Uses linking words and phrases appropriately to connect ideas within categories of information
Organizes ideas and information in an attempted paragraph structure that includes a sense of introduction, body and conclusion
Grouping of ideas lacks cohesion (e.g., list-like, rambling, or repetitive)
Attempts to use some simplistic
linking words to connect ideas
 Does not organize ideas and
information coherently due to lack of paragraph structure and/or a missing introduction, body, or conclusion
 Does not group related
information together
 Uses no linking words
Includes evidence from the text.

RIT – 1
W – 2b
W – 8
W – 9b

 Skillfully uses relevant and substantial text support from the resources with accuracy
Develops the topic with well integrated facts, definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other information and examples

Uses relevant and sufficient text support from the resources with accuracy
Develops the topic with facts,
definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other information and examples

Uses mostly relevant text support, but may lack sufficient evidence and/or accurate use
Develops the topic with limited facts, definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other information and examples.

 Does not use relevant or sufficient text support from the resources with accuracy
 Does not support opinion with facts, details, and/or reasons

L – 1
L – 2
W – 2d

 Uses purposeful and varied sentence structures
 Demonstrates creativity and flexibility when using conventions (grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and spelling) enhance readability
 Utilizes precise and domain-specific vocabulary accurately throughout student
 Uses correct and varied
sentence structures
 Demonstrates grade level
appropriate conventions; errors
are minor and do not interfere
with the readability
 Utilizes precise language and
domain-specific vocabulary
Uses some repetitive yet correct
sentence structure
 Demonstrates some grade level
appropriate conventions, but errors may interfere with the readability
Utilizes some precise language
and/or domain-specific vocabulary, but minimally and/or inaccurately
 Does not demonstrate
sentence mastery
 Demonstrates limited
understanding of grade level conventions, and errors interfere with the readability
 Does not utilize precise language or domain-specific vocabulary
Cover is skillfully, neatly and creatively constructed.
Includes all required parts as indicated in directions.
Cover is neatly constructed and includes most required parts.
Cover is not neatly constructed and is missing some parts.
Cover is not neatly constructed and is missing most parts.
The timeline includes 5 major events that are important and interesting.  The events are placed in proper order and a complete date has been included.
Most of the included events are important or interesting, one or two events may be missing.  Almost all events are placed in proper order and complete dates are included for almost every event.
Some major events are missing.  Most of the events are placed in proper order and an accurate date has been included for almost every event.
Many major events are missing.  Most events are incorrectly placed on the timeline and dates are inaccurate or missing for several events.